I've had a little bit of time to look at your answers
I've read them a couple of times and I've picked up on a couple of things already which we will be talking about as you go through the answers
It might it gives me the chance to see what the thought process might be when you are trying to speak in english, like what you're imagining, you would say
It's difficult to find out outstanding mistakes of that one
It feels quite daunting to read out your own work
Let's start off with the points you made
you were very surprised, outraged how much time you were spending on your smartphone.
But you don't know if even things like listening to music counts out towards digital detox or if we are still allowed to listen to music on our phones, whilist detox.
We can start sentences with because but I think there was a lot of suspense when you answered yours.
the wrong way round
Let's move on the next part
smartphone using: we mean just reffering to the fact that we are using our phone at the moment
smartphone usage: How often we are using it or how often we are using certain apps
I had installed (x) -> I installed (o): It's completed. the fact that it's already been installed. (just past simple)
to track my smartphone usage
Result(x) -> Results(o): A result was terrible would be correct if you were talking about one result on the phone.
Almost every time, Almost all the time
Serious = That was not the worst word here that we wouldn't put it after detox. I don't think we would actually use the word, seriously, we would actually use the words. "that person needs a serious reality check." it's used quite informally sometimes. "I need a serious digital detox." it sounds like something we would say in a conversation rather than waht we would put down in writing of words, that might sound a little conversational when writing.
However = It's a lot better than but because we can use the word but a lot when in conversation, but howevery it's good for writing because it really compares it.
While / Whilst = We can use while and whilst from time to time they can be used in the same for a train. I don't know if I can do this while doing this. I don't know if I can do this whilst doing this, you can use them ingerchangeably in those situation, A couple of grammar things.
if you're talking about something that you've found surprising ending and maybe it's still surprising you now. it's ongoing.
it seems like is better than "I feel like" It's quite conversational as well.
chat GPT has just made the sense. It's a little bit shorter and easier by moving directly onto that next point.
Usage time(x) -> usage(o): The reason why it's removed the word time is because when there is digital usage, the implication is that we are using smartsphone we would need to say, tme on top of that.
It's important to be self-aware or to recognize how often we are using smartphones.
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