토롱 라이프

23.10.12.(목) 영어 수업 리뷰


(1) Overall, I'm still quite energized


(2) It's midday

The specific time for midday may vary dependion on the region and the time of year, but it generally falls between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

* falls = a synonym for "occurs", "is situated"


(3) It could be more concise

* concise 간결한

Concise writing or speech is often clear, direct, and free from unnecessary or redundant details.


(4) I also prepared an article just in case you couldn't find one

* in case + S + V ~에 대비해서. 단, 미래시제는 사용하지 않고 현재시제만 사용.

Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.

* 단, if가 아닌 in case를 사용할 경우, 비가 오든 말든에 상관없이 일단 우산을 챙긴다는 의미로 사용 


(5) It like be quite crushing and demotivating

* crushing, it can describe a situation or exprerience that feels emotionally or psychologically devastating. for example, "The news of his passing was quite crushing."


(6) You might think that you need to do something strenuous like running to stay healthy.

* strenuous: needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy.

* strenuous is used to describe the physically demanding and challenging nature of running a marathon.


(7) I like to start my mornings with a brisk walk through the park to wake up and get some fresh air.

* a "brist walk" refers to a fast and enegetic walk


(8) Walking helps to sharpen our mind.

Engaging in a productive hobby like painting can improve you mood and sharpen your mental clarity.

* There are several synonyms for the word "sharpen" depending on the context. for example, Hone, Whet, Polish, Refine, Enhance, Improve, Clarify, Strengthen, Fine-tune.


(9) When I'm having a conversation, it can be a bit tougher to construct my own sentences.


(10) I find that running is healthier.

* the word "find" means that you have come to a conclusion or belief based on your own experiences, observations, or personal assessment. It's often used to a express a personal judgmet or perspective.


(11) It's more beneficial for someone like me.

It means that I believe a particular choice or activity is more advantageous or helpful for a person with my characteristics, needs, or circumstances.


(12) After missing my flight and losing my lugagge, I felt completely boxed in at the airport with no clear way to reach my destination.

"Boxed in" is often used informally to describe a feeling of being trapped or confined in a difficult or uncomfortable situation.

* confined 갇힌


(13) Imagine, not just walking or going on a casual stroll outside.

Strolls are typically associated with a relaxed and casual form of walking, unlike brisk or purposeful walking.


(14) If I go hiking in the mountains...


(15) If I play for consecutive days during the week, then my body can feel quite sore at the end of the week.

* consecutive days means days that follow one another in uninterrupted order, without any gaps or breaks in between.


(16) We are just about to conclude our lesson.


(17) 발음 연습

joint joints




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